Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Before I met you, I was me.
I learned to walk on sinking sand,
To wipe my tears with my own hand,
To speak at the walls until they heard:
I am me and always will be.

When you met me, I was me,
You loved that I was on my feet,
And that I could see above the trees.
You coated your lips with stories of my dreams
Then I believed you’d hold my light

I had wished my throne be on your side
And that my court be set upon the hills,
That you’d lend me a shoulder to see the view
And sing my beauty upon the streets

But with three words you demanded my life
“I love you” put up walls of brass
The gate fortified with your ego and pride
My wings trapped beneath your endless desires.

You had me crucified on your insecurity
I had built my faith on your words of charity
You stumped on my worth and sense of purity
In you, love has found its cold grip.

Before you met me I was me
So now I take back my authority
I feed my soul with courage
To take my pieces from your paws.

Rather than ask that I leave me behind,
Paint a picture that includes my dreams
Let me be the author of my destiny
Then you can stand tall, next to me