Friday, April 3, 2015


We keep waiting for love to happen to us. We go through daily life dreaming of love; when are we going to meet the ‘one’? What is it going to feel like and so on, but all we are doing is waiting and fantasizing (because a dream without action is a fantasy). We have become snow white; bound by love spells but waiting still for love (but even snow white had little helpers).
We wait for love to come and sometimes it does, but we miss it or let it pass us by because we weren’t ready.
Love doesn’t come only because we thought about it, or waited for it. It comes to those who prepared for it. Nothing just happens. So what do we do so we can be adequately prepared for love? Here are 5 suggestions.

What are you holding to? What is in your possession or life that shouldn’t be? It is time to clean up! Deal with those residual feelings for the ex, the hurt from a past relationship or childhood, let all that messy stuff go. You can’t be ready for a new start until you can release the old.

2- SAY HELLO TO YOU: While waiting for love, or rather preparing for it, it is a good time to get to know yourself better, spend time with yourself, take a step back from all the drama, and be you. Here is a tip that could help you discover yourself during this period.

Ditch the high end expectation and fantasy, and identify really what qualities you need in a man, not the qualities that look good to have, what your friends have, or what you saw on TV, but what best suits your personality.

Don’t give love a colour, size and shape. You may have imagined him tall but he may not be (don’t get offended, it’s true). If we limit ourselves, we judge too quickly, we don’t look beyond the cover of the book, because he doesn’t look like it doesn’t mean he isn’t it. Take a chance on people, give them the benefit of the doubt, and you might be surprised at how well they would do.

Be open-minded but don’t also let everything come in. Since you now know who you are and what you want, identify what you don’t want. What are your boundaries? Where does the line start, where does it end? You have to know when to say NO! And when to say YES! Not everything is for you and not everyone was made for you.

I know you are looking or searching for love, but ladies and gentlemen, take it down a notch. Nobody wants to hear ‘I love you’ on the first date guys. Desperation has a stench, a very repulsive one. Rather than attract people, you repel them. Don’t be too eager and impatient because then you will end up with what looks like love. Time is on your side. It’s never too late to find love no matter how old you are.

Sometimes, we are not willing to make adjustments especially when it comes to love because we find it hard to admit that we might be the one who needs change. If we adjust our lifestyle, we do it for our benefit first and only when we change, we grow and we live happier lives.

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